Basic Baseball Hitting Instructions
By Peter S. Smith
Needless to say, if you want to better your baseball game, then besides practice, you need to have a flawless technique. A good technique will help you improve your game tremendously. This article will give you some basic baseball hitting instructions which will help you in your endeavor.
One of the first things you will need to learn is that you need to have a good batting stance aka the position of your body and bat while you are waiting for the pitch. Your feet will need to be at about a shoulder wide distance from each other. At the same time, you should have the foot closer to you lined up near the front edge of the home plate. Don't forget to keep your waist and knees slightly bent.
You will want to hold the bat loosely but firmly. The handle of the bat should be as close to your back shoulder as possible, while the barrel of the bat should be above your head.
Now, the last and most important thing is when the ball comes your way, to keep your eyes solely on it. When you hit the ball, only your body should move, while your head remains still.
Following the above tips will give you the basic baseball hitting instructions. Practice and practice until you get it right. After that, you will be able to learn more and more advanced hitting techniques, but you first need to master the basics. And remember: always try to learn new things that help you improve your game.
More comprehensive information on hitting techniques can be found here, so you should check it out.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_S._Smith
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