Tips for Improving Baseball Swing in Youths
By Jake Wyatt
Probably the most practiced move in youth baseball training is the baseball swing. All players want to be good hitters. Ultimately, you need to be good in only a few outfield positions, but everyone needs to be able to hit the ball regularly.
Most baseball hitting drills focus on hitting off the tee or having the coach throw pitches while players take turns in the batter's box. Regular trips to the batting cages should be part of every team's practice schedule.
Youth baseball coaches can help improve their players' baseball swing by doing the following:
1. Practice with wood bats. There is significant controversy over the use of metal bats in Little League and high school baseball; currently they are allowed. They are NOT allowed in major league baseball for a reason - they make it too easy. Practicing with wood bats will better prepare your players to hit the baseball using metal bats during games.
2. Watch the mechanics. There are some basic mechanics that will help all players improve their baseball swing.
The player should have their weight forward, not backwards. They should be heavy on their toes, not their heels.
Their shoulders should be relaxed.
They should be swinging slightly downward.
Their stance should be just slightly wider than their shoulders.
Their head should not move through the swing.
3. Help them with their mental thoughts. Tell them they need to focus on hitting the ball, not striking out. Their baseball swing will improve if they are focused on connecting, not missing, the baseball.
By helping players improve their baseball swing, they will become more confident in the batter's box and more likely to hit the ball.
In order to be the best possible baseball player, training should happen year-round and be a joint effort between the coach, the player and the parents. Get more free tips to improve baseball performance, reviews of e-products related to baseball, and links to training resources at http://youth-baseball-training.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_Wyatt
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BatAction.com - The original rotational hitting machine.
HurricaneMachine.com - Derek Jeter Baseball Trainer
AdvancedSkillsTee.com - Worlds most advanced batting tee.
QuickSwingTrainer.com - Joe Mauer Quick Swing Batting Trainer
HandsBackHitter.com - Teaches the perfect swing mechanics.
StayBackTee.com - Advanced Batting Tee for Advanced Hitters
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